Hey all, we had a great motor and sail down to the Navy base today from Barrington. Lots of sun and when the sea breeze came in . . . it came in with a vengeance, bringing us winds approaching 20 kts, on the nose of course! But for the first test of the rig and boat overall, it was perfect and we did a quick tour of the southbay with good speed and point before heading to A41. With everything seemingly functioning as planned we are ready to begin racing! Which is a good thing as we kick off JYC Tuesdays THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW! [insert exploding emoji head here]! And Bridge Fiasco is next Saturday.
I have completed race assignments up to but not including EGYC Annual (no, we aren’t racing with 10 people hahaha). Please bring any scheduling issues directly to me and appreciate your patience as I look to both equitably apportion spots but also keep the boat as the #1 priority. I am very fortunate to sail with such an amazing group of people and keeping our (occasionally dysfunctional) family together and happy is a big deal for me.
Please note, JYC has advanced the first start for Tuesday racing to 1800. Not quite sure if we are in A or B for spring, but understand for the first week or two, I’ll be looking to get to the course with enough time to get situated and potentially make the A fleet start. Again, reach out to me with any issues or concerns!
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.