Location: Zoom Meeting
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83002827850?pwd=R2JqSm90dHJXVVBSeTdidEV1MitzZz09
Agenda & Rules Update Link in PDF: https://www.phrf-nb.org/archive/2022/2022AnnualMeeting.pdf
Performance Handicap Racing Fleet Annual Meeting December 20, 2021
Hello PHRF-NB sailors, The PHRF Annual meeting will be held Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 1830. Like this year, will be held via Zoom due to the upswing of restrictions being placed on meetings by the state of RI. We will send out another email as a reminder that will include the Zoom url. Hopefully your boats are put away for the winter after an interesting season of racing. The PHRF committee has been updating some of the older instructions and modifying the rules slightly for 2022. The changes were mostly to fix wording that wasn’t quite right and to further attempt to ensure a level playing field as technology has progressed. There are two documents that we would like the members to review and reach out with your thoughts by email to PHRFAdmin@phrf-nb.org.: PRINCIPLES OF PHRF OF NARRAGANSETT BAY; this is mostly an update of wording to be current. Both a red line and clean copy can be downloaded (see below). PHRF-NB Regulations – 2022; this is further keeping current while maintaining a level handicap field. Both a red line and clean copy can be downloaded (see below). The above documents as well as the Minutes from the 2021 Annual Meeting are in one file and can be downloaded from here. Looking forward to a great sailing in 2022. Fair winds, Don Kern |
2022 Annual MeetingAgendaDate: January 26, 2022 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call – Don Kern, Will Museler, Roy Guay, Bob Horton, Paul Grimes, Todd Johnston, Ken Madeiro, Vin McAteer, Moose McClintock, Mark Nannini, Randy Shore, Kathy Rotsky III. Approval of 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes (download same as above) IV. Treasurers Report – Roy Guay V. Nomination of Officers Officers nominated with committee approval. a) Commodore – Don Kern b) Rating Chairman – Will Museler c) Treasurer – Roy Guay d) Secretary – Bob Horton VI. Proposed Changes for 2022 Season a) Revision and updating of PRINCIPLES OF PHRF OF NARRAGANSETT BAY Both Redline changes and changes implemented versions. b) Updating of PHRF-NB REGULATIONS; Definitions alignment and order of appearance as found in certificate application. Both Redline changes and changes implemented versions. VII. New Business VIII. Open Discussion and Questions IX. Adjournment |
Registered: No, Zoom Meeting Link
Be at Home at Computer - Wed January 26th @ 6:30PM EST
Club Website: PHRF-NBPost # 1282
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