17 Perry Rd
Newport, RI 02841

Thursday, August 11
- 1200-1800 Check-In at assigned Safe Harbor marina
Friday, August 12
- 1200 First Warning Signal
- 1800 SHNEB Coastal New England Dinner will be held on The Point at Safe
Harbor New England Boatworks overlooking Narragansett Bay. Transportation to & from hotels
reserved for Safe Harbor Race Weekend and other local marinas will be available, if needed, for
guests traveling to and from Safe Harbor New England Boatworks on Friday evening.
Saturday, August 13
- 1200 First Warning Signal
- 1800 SHNSY Talk of the Town Crew Party and dinner will be held at Safe
Harbor Newport Shipyard in the heart of downtown Newport featuring live music and local
crew favorite fare.
Sunday, August 14
- 1200 First Warning Signal
- 1600 Prize-Giving location will be detailed in the Sailing Instructions.
Registered: Yes Fees Paid: Yes, Notice of Race, NOR Amendment #1, Payment Link, Scratch Sheet, Sailing Instructions, SI Amendment #1, SI Amendment #2, SI Amendment #3, SI Exhibit #1 Around Prudence Island, SI Exhibit #2 Navigation Courses, SI Exhibit #3 Windward Leeward Courses, Waiver Form
Be at Navy Marina - Sat August 13th @ 10:00AM EDT
Club Website: SHM Regatta, LLCRegistration: Link
Post # 1474
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.