Hey all, another quick update. I visited Spirit today. Jorge has begun work on her, but there is still a ways to go. You can see in the images that he is working to repair the deck and core that was crushed under the two aft stanchions on the starboard side. The keel, jib tracks and bottom paint are all still pending. Given the number of things required to complete before she can even go back in the water (mast, sail drive, burnish, etc), I’m going to pull the plug on JYC race #1. Fingers crossed for #2!!! Will keep you posted. : )
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.