Good progress since the last time I wrote. The deck area around the two stanchions is completely repaired. The core under the support legs of each stanchion was replaced with Penske board (the two holes are the pieces used in the deck). The board, used as core between the two fiberglass layers, doesn’t absorb water like the balsa core, making the repairs essentially impervious to water intrusion. The new stanchions go in next. Then she’s into the booth for keel and bottom work. Seems unlikely we’ll make the race next Tuesday (JYC #2), but #3 seems pretty likely at this point. Keep you posted!
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.