Category: Boat Work

Posts about boat maintenance and projects

Updated Plan

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!  We’ve had an unusual start to spring for Spirit.  As they say in the military, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”.  True for us for sure.  By now we should have had a couple of sails at least.  : (  However, we are on a good track.  We managed …

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Grrr, missing Practice #2!

Well, sometimes things move at their own pace.  This is one of those times.  We actually got a ton of stuff done this weekend.  By Sunday the mast was fully assembled and ready to step.  Some additional work was done on the boat (cleaning, winch maintenance, other smaller tasks).  She’s in really good shape.  However, …

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Going to miss Practice #1 slated for this Tuesday : (

Yup, we had a good run at it, but this Tuesday’s practice has everything ready but a boat!  Hahaha!  Spirit remains at Wickford.  They are taking great care of us and after retrieving Spirit from Waterline on Tuesday, she was ready for launch Thursday and launched on Friday.  Thanks to Deb for helping to burnish …

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Approaching Launch for 2021

Hi everyone.  We are getting very close to launch and it now appears that this coming week will be busy.  Today Spirit remains at Waterline.  She is having some final touchup to her keel but not the full blown race bottom job that we were expecting.  This is a disappointment, but we’ll work around it …

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Amazing weekend

I can’t believe how much we accomplished over the three days.  We basically put the boat back together AND got her ready to race.  Bottom, saildrive and zincs all sorted down below.  Winches, lifelines running rigging topside, instruments (Zeus and Tacktick), some electrical and batteries on the inside.  Even installed the new AIS VHF.  And …

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Spirit is at Caseys!

A huge thanks to Steve, Mark R and Mark B for enabling a smooth run from Jorge’s in Bristol down to Newport.  The last 100 yards were the sketchiest — having to navigate the turn onto Waites Wharf off of Thames without clipping the building on Thames or O’Brien’s (probably really bad form, especially with …

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Final Repair Update

Tim Kohl reports in from International Marine today and found this in their main travel sling.  Buff and wax underway now.  : )

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Repair Update #3

Some good news!  Almost all work is complete.  The deck under the two starboard side stanchions has been repaired and the new stanchions installed.  Jib tracks have been rebedded with an epoxy core to prevent water intrusion.  And the keel has had the dings removed!  She’s off to the paint booth tomorrow or Wednesday and …

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Cancelled JYC Spring #2

You’ll note I just cancelled race #2.  I plan on checking out Jorge’s progress this weekend, but for sure, even if he is done, we wouldn’t be ready for Tuesday.  Don’t give up hope!  I think Race #3 is a reasonable target for our first race!  Thanks for your patience!

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Repair Update #2

Good progress since the last time I wrote.  The deck area around the two stanchions is completely repaired.  The core under the support legs of each stanchion was replaced with Penske board (the two holes are the pieces used in the deck).  The board, used as core between the two fiberglass layers, doesn’t absorb water …

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