Yup, we had a good run at it, but this Tuesday’s practice has everything ready but a boat! Hahaha! Spirit remains at Wickford. They are taking great care of us and after retrieving Spirit from Waterline on Tuesday, she was ready for launch Thursday and launched on Friday. Thanks to Deb for helping to burnish the bottom, which is actually in pretty good shape. We also got new paint and zincs on the sail drive. Waterline, despite all of their issues, did a good job diagnosing and repairing some surface paint cracking at the keel-hull joint. They also sprayed the rudder, which was really hurting for paint and waxed the hull.
Since launch I’ve installed the tiller (very useful when racing), the Zeus and sorted out the autopilot, which had an intermitment power issue that now appears resolved. I hope to install the Tacktick system tomorrow, as well as the tablet computer and an additional fire extinguisher bracket in the forepeak.
So we’ll likely spend this coming week at Wickford, getting the mast stepped, the boat rigged and sails bent on, in preparation for a transit next Saturday or Sunday (May 1st or 2nd). For sure will keep everyone posted. The Tuesday practice scheduled for May 4th looks like it should be a go. First JYC race is the 11th!
Thank you and almost there!
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.