The website is now fully updated with all remaining races, any cancels I know about already, and crewing plans to year-end. Please take a look through and make sure I haven’t messed up something with your availability.
We’ve had a great run of recent races; JYC Summer is very close to a podium finish and could go either way with our final race tonight. BI was an overall podium finish and an amazing leg from Block to Newport, winning our class in “lively” conditions. LLS, while not a great “paper” finish, was a tremendous race in big breeze topping out in the low 20’s with just four total crew — folks were busy, but pretty hard to keep the boat down! Plus I got some great wipeout video! ; ) Prince Henry was fantastic and despite a 15 sec/mile penalty and painful start in no breeze I believe we will land either 1 or 2 in spinnaker class which is just phenomenal. And what a fun day overall. <3
I’ve cancelled a couple of JYC Sundays due to conflicts but all else remains a go. Big events include CYC ATI, Sail For Hope, Twenty Hundred Club Around Prudence and lastly, the rescheduled NYYC Annual, slated for October 2-4. Some good stuff left. Plus, before it gets cold I want to sail an Around Aquidneck Challenge. Keep you posted on that as the warning will be just a day or two before we attempt.
All for now — thank you again for a fun season! We’ve had to flex a bit with a lot of unknowns, but considering where we are now, and where we thought we’d be in April, I think we were very fortunate.
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
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Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.