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- Repair Update #3 — 2 comments
- Spirit is at Caseys! — 2 comments
- Initial JYC Thoughts and Other Happenings — 2 comments
- Season Champions — 1 comments
- Pre-Season Update — 1 comments
Jan 18 2020
Hey guys, First, as I write this, the season’s first race is 114 days away. It’ll be here before we know it! So I’ve got just a bunch of miscellaneous items here First, congratulations to Jane on picking up a more active position in the sailing instructor cadre at the Naval Station. I can’t think …
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Aug 29 2019
After a couple of missed years we finally brought the pieces together for an amazing race. Conditions were pleasant, with moderate breeze out of the SE most of the entire race. The angle and pressure helped us get the most from Spirit as we were the smallest/lightest boat of the fleet. : ) We also …
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Aug 19 2019
A good regatta in terms of learning. Carter really brought a focus on the details. Breeze for Day One added some excitement and once we got into a groove we were closer in the hunt on Day Two. Racing was perhaps a bit frustrating given the format and inherent PHRF shortcomings between boats, somewhat magnified …
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Jun 20 2019
A quick update here as we have done a few more races since my last update. Spirit continues to show excellent upwind performance as I mentioned in my last update. This was particularly tested last weekend during the three-day NYYC Annual in winds ranging from about 12-25. The helm is far better balanced and with …
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Jun 12 2019
So we’ve had a couple of races now under our belt and I think I can report that our speed and point appear good. In the LLS regatta we saw good upwind performance, and had an ability to hang with our closest competitors (Hawk, Samba and Zephyros) and I think actually gain some ground uphill. …
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.