Happy Mother’s Day everyone! We’ve had an unusual start to spring for Spirit. As they say in the military, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”. True for us for sure. By now we should have had a couple of sails at least. : ( However, we are on a good track. We managed to get Spirit out of the yard last Wednesday and since then have been gradually adding parts! As of yesterday we are officially “a sailboat”. LOL. But there are a handful of small tasks to finish and I remain interested in getting in one sail before Tuesday night’s first JYC.
So today (after Mother’s Day festivities of course) I’ll be wrapping up some of these smaller items. I hope to have her completely ready to go by the end of today. Tomorrow, Monday, after work, I expect to go for a sail. We’ll be bending on a set of sails. The winds are light but this is not a practice per se; the goal here is just to make sure everything is back on/in/around/thru correctly. We’ll probably do a compass calibration and check the instruments. I want to be off the dock by about 4-ish so a showtime earlier than that (like 3:30-ish) is requested. Anyone available is welcome to join, but I’m not looking for a certain number of people so if work precludes your joining us then that’s totally fine.
Assuming that goes okay, then we’ll start focusing on the racing. : ) JYC Spring #1 is Tuesday as you well know. The crew is listed on the calendar page. I’d appreciate arrivals between 4 and 4:30. Again, this is just so we can shake off the cobwebs. I’ll have sandwiches as usual. As a group we need to run through the various liquid “supplies” and figure out what we want to bring! The water remains about 50deg so for sure even if it is sunny where you are bring warm stuff!
That’s it for now! See everyone soon! Message me with any questions/comments/concerns!

Spirit — once again a sailboat
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The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.