Some good news! Almost all work is complete. The deck under the two starboard side stanchions has been repaired and the new stanchions installed. Jib tracks have been rebedded with an epoxy core to prevent water intrusion. And the keel has had the dings removed! She’s off to the paint booth tomorrow or Wednesday and …
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May 17 2019
Cancelled JYC Spring #2
You’ll note I just cancelled race #2. I plan on checking out Jorge’s progress this weekend, but for sure, even if he is done, we wouldn’t be ready for Tuesday. Don’t give up hope! I think Race #3 is a reasonable target for our first race! Thanks for your patience!
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May 13 2019
Repair Update #2
Good progress since the last time I wrote. The deck area around the two stanchions is completely repaired. The core under the support legs of each stanchion was replaced with Penske board (the two holes are the pieces used in the deck). The board, used as core between the two fiberglass layers, doesn’t absorb water …
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May 13 2019
Security at the NAVSTA Marina Docks
Just wanted to make you aware that Mike and Co at the marina are using bicycle locks to secure the gates to each dock. [Wish I had emojis available here . . .] This will likely only be a factor on Tuesday nights as the docks will be unlocked during business hours. I quote Mike’s …
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May 08 2019
Repair Update
Hey all, another quick update. I visited Spirit today. Jorge has begun work on her, but there is still a ways to go. You can see in the images that he is working to repair the deck and core that was crushed under the two aft stanchions on the starboard side. The keel, jib tracks …
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Apr 29 2019
Pre-Season Update
Hey all, Just wanted to update you on our pre-season activities. Spirit is in the repair shed right now! Of course, this is later than hoped, but Jorge doesn’t view this as a big job and it seems likely that she’ll be complete next week. He’s also going to reinstall the jib tracks (faster than …
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Apr 04 2019
Link to 2018 Season Movie and 2019 Crew Brief
Hey all! The season movie and briefing were shown last night! In case you couldn’t make it, I’ve attached a couple of links to directly access the two files. Feel free to share the movie file around if you want — anyone with the link can view it. For the crew brief, we’ll hit some …
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Mar 31 2019
2019 Season Schedule
Hey all, The rough schedule is at last in Crew Manager. I hope you weren’t bombarded with a ton of emails — I attempted to turn off email notification, but it look likes it might have come back on today. :/ Regardless, please take some time and look through the events, days and assignments. Nothing …
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Jan 24 2019
One Button Adds the Boat Calendar to Yours!
There is a handy feature built into the crew website that permits adding the calendar to your own. This means you don’t need to type in the schedule manually. It will show all boat events displayed on the website calendar. This feature supports most electronic calendars including Outlook, Google, Apple Calendar and a universal Export …
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Dec 19 2018
The 2019 Racing Season Is Coming
Hey all, Happy Winter Solstice (almost)! Now that the days are getting longer we can start thinking about racing again. ; ) In the next few weeks I will populate our race calendar and open up the process for folks to select their races. Grab as many as you want. I will then rebalance where …
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Recent Comments
The secret is to include the link to the media file in the dialogue box to get a full resolution image.
Medium size floating
Bill posting from Android phone
Just a little test of new photo capability! Plus it's Spirit!
Thanks Bill. Good times despite a slow start. Vento was missed! Odyssey retired.